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Floodplain management is not just about keeping floodwaters away from buildings. It's about educating people on how they can better protect their environment and their lives. It's about realizing we can't fight Mother Nature, but we can implement new strategies to deal with her effects. It's about reaching out to people who can help you help your community.
CAHOON CONSULTING has been active in floodplain management for over 17 years. Our team has the skills and experience to meet the needs of any community or organization, regardless of size or location.
CAHOON CONSULTING enjoys the opportunity to work with different people in different communities to achieve the same goal - improving the lives of citizens and protecting communities from future flood damage.
CAHOON CONSULTING is focused on providing high-quality service and customer satisfaction that is both timely and cost effective. We will do everything we can to meet your expectations.
Texas Flood
Stevie Ray Vaughn